Richard Beresford Bursary

About the bursary

Enterprise Educators UK (EEUK) established the Bursary in memory of their former Vice-Chair Dr Richard Beresford. Richard had a deep commitment to supporting the personal development of colleagues working in enterprise and entrepreneurship education. Please scroll to the bottom of this page for details of bursaries already awarded.


To support the personal development of enterprise and entrepreneurship educators and practitioners, to positively contribute to their practice and to share the story of their learning experiences with the wider EEUK membership.

Who can apply?

You must be employed by an EEUK member organisation and should have been an enterprise educator or practitioner for no more than 5 years. Directors of EEUK are not eligible to apply. Full terms and conditions are at the bottom of the application form.

How could the Bursary be used?

The Bursary could help you to engage in a personal development opportunity that you could not otherwise do so. This could include but is not limited to attendance at conferences, visits to other institutions to share models and knowledge of good practice in enterprise education, course fees that are relevant to enterprise education practice.

How will I share my learning with the EEUK membership?

After spending the Bursary, you will be required to write a 500 word blog and create a 90-second video to be shared with the EEUK membership to show what you have learnt and how you will embed the learning in your practice.

How much can be applied for?

A maximum of £500 per application will be awarded to a small number of applicants every year. Match funding is welcome but not mandatory.

How do I apply?

The Spring 2024 application window is now closed. Applications for the Autumn/Winter call will go out later this year. Applicants are asked to fill out a form and submit a 90-second video pitch. A panel of EEUK directors will assess all applications.

How do I find out more?

See examples of Bursaries already awarded below or contact Sal Edwards for more information.


  1. Applicants must be employed by organisations that are fully paid-up members of Enterprise Educators UK, including members of the Creative Flame programme.
  2. Applicants must have been practising as an enterprise or entrepreneurship educator for no more than five years in total.
  3. Board members of Enterprise Educators UK are not eligible to apply.
  4. The Bursary will be paid to the applicant’s employer.
  5. The maximum that can be applied for in any one 12 month period is £500.
  6. Costs associated with attending events or conferences organised by EEUK or the EEUK Fellowship are not eligible for funding.
  7. The number of Bursaries awarded is at the discretion of Enterprise Educators UK.
  8. The Bursary must be spent within 6 months of it being awarded.
  9. Evidence of spend must be provided to EEUK.
  10. Within 3 months of the Bursary being spent, the applicant must disseminate learning by writing a blog (approx 500 words) and producing a 90 second video, both of which are suitable for publication by email or on the EEUK website. EEUK is not obliged to publish the blog or video.
  11. EEUK retains the right to reclaim the Bursary if it has not been spent as proposed within 6 months of it being awarded.



Past Projects

  • Amanda Brooks, Lancaster University

    The bursary contributed towards travel costs to Stanford University in the US to observe some University Innovation Fellows sessions. This program is for university students and their faculty to train students to become change agents and serve as collaborators to faculty. Amanda brought the learning back to inform developments at Lancaster.

    Amanda's blog 'Learning to create more Ah-Ha! moments in learning':
  • Catherine McGrath, University of Huddersfield

    The bursary covered course fees, materials and travel costs for attending The Rickter Scale® training. This training helps organisations to measure soft outcomes, distance travelled and impact, whilst giving individuals a meaningful experience that provides choice and ownership. The learning developed Catherine’s skills related to measuring the less tangible outcomes of enterprise initiatives.

    Video: Catherine's learning
    Catherine's blog:
  • Dr. Plato Kapranos, University of Sheffield

    Travel bursary to support a visit to Mondragon University, Spain. The University is closely linked with industrial cooperatives operating in the Basque country and has recently started embedding enterprise in their curricula. During the visit Plato will explore how learning activities link in to their industrial cooperative system and will use this to inform developments back in Sheffield.

    Video: Plato's visit
    Blog: Plato's Visit
    Plato's ongoing blog with a focus on extending the impact of the Bursary
  • Gareth Stewart, Barnsley College

    HE provision at University Campus Barnsley is growing rapidly but the current enterprise programme is more FE focussed. The bursary will support travel and accommodation related to visits to gain an insight from other HE organisations as to how they embed a culture of enterprise and entrepreneurship across their institutions. The findings will bring back best practice to the College and develop Gareth personally and help him to establish in which area of enterprise and entrepreneurship he would like to develop a specialism.

  • Teodora Handrea, University of Edinburgh

    The bursary covered the fees and travel for Teodora to attend a PraxisUnico New Venture Creation course. This developed Teodora’s skills for working with groups of students and staff requiring business advice and enhanced her business evaluation skills so she is able to acknowledge start-up and spin-off propositions herself and provide more competent advice.

    Teodora's learning
    Teodora's blog
  • Peter McLuskie, Coventry University

    The bursary funded attendance at an improvisation workshops to help improve Peter’s classroom performance and also to help him to teach improvisation techniques to students to help them gain insights into the life of an entrepreneur and to better enable them to respond to changing situations and uncertainty.

    Watch a short video about Peter's experience
    Read Peter's blog:
  • Steven Aicheler, Cardiff Metropolitan University

    Steve is a key member of the team in the Centre for Entrepreneurship at Cardiff Metropolitan University delivering entrepreneurship education and start-up support. The bursary covered the fee to attend the USASBE 2018 Conference in Los Angeles, the theme being “Advancing entrepreneurship education through bold teaching, scholarship and practice”, Attendance at the Conference enabled him to feedback to academic colleagues to help them support their delivery within the curriculum.

  • Tam Do, Sheffield Hallam University

    The Bursary contributed to the cost of creating an online training module in consultation with IPSE which is essential if the project is to be successful. The consultation included, Identifying aims and objectives of the online training module, The structure and format to be implemented, Identifying core topics that need to be addressed and assessing their relevance to the target audience, i.e. students and graduates.

  • Kadeza Begum, University of East London,

    The Bursary contributed towards Kadeza obtaining a Level 5 Certificate in Business Support which covered Business Support, Developing effective relationships with clients and empowering the client to analyse the business and implement change. In addition Kadeza undertook some specific skills development in Presentation Skills, Marketing and Business Finance to enhance and complement their current service offering.

  • Stoyan Stoyanov, Strathclyde University


    The Bursary contributed to the cost of Stoyan attending experts’ sessions and workshops at the International Council for Small Business World Congress, the Academy of Management, or similar. To achieve the desired stage of his personal development he would like to learn from trained sociologists who have knowledge on the topic of cosmopolitanism, how it can be measured, and how it can be promoted within curricula.

  • Simon Hill, De Montfort University

    The Bursary contributed to the fees and travel for Simon to undertake an SAS style training weekend. There are a high number of similarities between enterprise education and special forces operations and this training gave Simon key insights into things like decision making under ambiguous situations, creativity, risk taking and leadership. By developing these characteristics he hopes to be able to share the concepts, scenarios and examples within the classroom as well.

  • Lauren Ellse, University of Bristol

    The bursary was awarded to Lauren to help fund visits to enterprise groups at other universities, with the intention of learning best practice in forming and maintaining relationships between the enterprise components across campus (octopus heart and brain) and how to communicate her offering effectively among all stake-holders (octopus tentacles). 

    Watch Lauren's Video
  • Natasha Davies, UWE Bristol

    Natasha was awarded the funding to attend the KAOSPILOT Co-creation design 2 day programme in Stockholm March 2019

  • Eilish Gorse, University of Portsmouth

    The Richard Beresford bursary enabled Eilish to visit other HEIs and understand what female entrepreneurship schemes are in place and which ones created the greatest impact. The findings were then reported, disseminated to EEUK members and applied those findings to create a programme for budding female entrepreneurs  piloted in spring 2019.

    Download Eilish's Blog
    Watch Eilish's Video
  • Amy Pyle, London South Bank University

    The funding went towards a facilitation course.

    The aim of the training is to increase my confidence in facilitation and my skills to handle more challenging situations. I would then take time to reflect on how I will use my new skills and techniques and apply them to workshops and presentations that I deliver to students and graduates.

    Read Amy's Blog
  • Amy Gerrard, Liverpool John Moores University/University of Liverpool

    The funding was used towards travel and accommodation to attend Buffer Fest in Toronto in September 2019. This is the largest, world-wide gathering of YouTube creators (the Oscars of YouTube). I also  visited the YouTube Space in Toronto, which is a co-working and collaboration hub for YouTube creators. Overall, this trip took 4-5 days.

  • Katharine Fox, University of Edinburgh

    The funding was used to go on a two day course run by Praxis Auril , called New venture creation 1: first steps towards spinouts and start-up companies. The course was highly participative and interactive, was held 29 – 30 Jan 2020, and is based in Loughbourgh.  

    Read Katharine's Blog
  • John Barker, Simply Do Ideas/Cardiff Metropolitan University

    The funding was used  to attend a Conference in London.

    Read John's Blog
    Watch John's Video
  • Kelly Jordan, Swansea University

    The funding went towards undertaking a PGCE in Post Compulsory Education and Training, with a level 7 module of Entrepreneurship Educators, written by Kathryn Penaluna. 

    Watch Kelly's Video
    Read Kelly's Blog
  • Radka Newton, Lancaster University

    The funding was used to enroll in an online IDEO course Designing Strategy  in order to experience online education that focuses on human-centered and creative aspect of learning. My aim was to learn from this experience and develop a digital version of the courses I have been leading on. 

    Watch Radka's Video
    Read Radka's Blog
  • Neil Dougan, University of Bolton

    The funding was used to attend a 2-day short course at the National Film and TV School called ‘Running Your Own Film/TV Company’ . The choice of Film or TV is optional and runs at different times of the year but the principals are the same. 

  • Paolo Gerli, Edinburgh Napier University

    The funding was used to attend an online self-paced course delivered by IDEO on ‘Prototyping for Digital Experiences’ to learn prototyping methods for digital products and services. These methods are very useful to enhance experiential learning in my Digital Entrepreneurship modules as it would allow my students to develop prototypes for digital products and services even if they lack coding skills.

    Read Paolo's Blog
    Watch Paolo's video
  • LJ Silverman, London School of Economics

    The bursary money was spent on a series of tailored professional coaching sessions to create a roadmap to help me navigate the next few months. By working alongside an external and objective coach I understood how to take an early-stage educational entrepreneurship hub and transform it into a multi-channel, international community that includes acceleration streams, innovative revenue-generating opportunities, and productive corporate partnerships.

  • Felicity Healey-Benson, UWTSD

    The funding was used to support the research, planning and delivery time of an online resource project which made use of EntreComp to underpin the critical skills, values, behaviours and attitudes needed for the achievement of the SDGs. To this end, Felicity created learning material through a short online course. This can be accessed by educators as a form of CPD to provide new stimuli/ideas.

    Read Felicity's Blog
    Watch Felicity's video
  • Sarah Agar-Brennan, University of Huddersfield

    The grant funding was used to access expert training delivered by The Institute of Export. A  series of workshops were created and offered to University hub members, colleagues and support teams together with fellow Enterprise Educators across the UK. Sarah wrote a series of articles and blogs to upskill and demystify the processes so businesses can thrive.

    Read Sarah's Blog
    Watch Sarah's Video
  • Gabi Cox, UWE Bristol

    The funding helped fund a trip to visit University Arts London. UAL have a fantastic enterprise program to specifically support those studying creative courses or who are in the arts. UAL also have a dedicated student shop (not just a shop) which now has a team behind it, selling both online and in a permanent dedicated physical space.


    Read Gabi's Blog here
  • Adhikhar Naidu, Regent's University London

    The bursary will be used to build a community of specially-abled entrepreneurs by visiting various institutions in the UK.I would be visiting institutions such as the Royal School of Blind and similar institutions to engage and build a community of young disabled entrepreneurs in the creative sectors.


  • Dr Shruti Narayanswamy, University of St Andrews

    The funding will be spent on a visit to Bangor University, Wales (for 3 nights and 4 days between the March-May period. Dates TBC) to learn more about their award-winning ‘Enterprise by Design’ programme.

    Read Shruti's Blog here
    Watch Shruti's Video here
  • Beth Edwards, Bangor University

    The funding enabled three members of staff to travel to visit Kings College London, to learn more about their enterprise and entrepreneurship institute, using this to guide the provision created in Bangor. As a new role, this visit and engagement  helped guide the priorities in developing enterprise education in Bangor.

    Read Beth's Blog here
    Watch Beth's Video
  • Pascal Loizeau, University of Bath

    The scholarship was spent on travel and accommodation costs to Roma Tre Universita in Italy and allowed me to learn from their Dock3 Training programme.

    Read Pascal's Blog
    Watch Pascal's Video
  • Fran Hunt, Cardiff Metropolitan University

    The money will be spent on 2 5-hour CPD courses delivered by Celtrose Consultancy to further my knowledge of working with disabled students and graduates within Enterprise Education. Once completed I would like to share my knowledge and findings with fellow EEUK members.

  • Kelly King, Solent University

    Having been in post a year now, I have the understanding and knowledge of the areas I would personally like to explore through CPD, to add huge value to our student community and the institution.

    Through visiting other institutions there are 3 key topic areas of CPD that I would like to explore. I would happily present back on my learning experience in relation to all these areas. 1. Enterprise related intervention/activity/ 2. Freelancers after graduation. 3. Championing more women into entrepreneurship.

  • Gbemisola Ogbolu, Teesside University

    The funding was used to attend The UK Black Business Entrepreneurs Conference. The money covered conference fees, accommodation and transportation and general logistic.  Attending the Conference provided me with the tools, resources, and networking opportunities necessary to take my teaching to the next level and help my students succeed in the business world.

    Read Gbemisola's Blog Here
  • Aasia D'Vaz Sterling, University of the Arts, London

    I would spend the money on a 12-week self-guided Sensible Futures Facilitator Training Course. Sensible Futures is a design framework and a methodology for co-creating and implementing better futures for startups, established businesses and the humans they are targeting. I would like to attain certification to help me design and deliver workshops that prompt students to future-gaze, ideate and build propositions that can have a long-lasting positive impact.

  • Lianne Bell, Teesside University

    The bursary will be used for train travel and accommodation in London. I will spend 5 days in a venture studio.  Using the method of ethnography I will explore how this framework can be used in higher education settings to create an experiential learning environment for enterprise education.

  • Efe Imiren, University of Suffolk

    I intend to use the Richard Beresford Bursary to attend a case writing workshop, an opportunity that I would not have been able to pursue without financial support. The workshop would be an invaluable experience, where I can learn from case writers who are internationally recognised and exchange insights with fellow case writers.

  • Laura Kirk, University of Cumbria

    My bursary application asked for £500 of funding to allow me to travel to meet fellow educators from universities who specialise in enterprise and entrepreneurship, to build networks and to share best practice and resources. I relished the opportunity to learn from these teams and shared some of the content I am developing.

    Watch Laura's video here
    Read Laura's Blog here
  • Jacqueline Steinmetz, University of Sussex

    I plan to allocate the bursary funds towards a series of personalised somatic coaching sessions for professional development, aimed at crafting a strategic roadmap to offer business development and overall well-being for female entrepreneurs. Collaborating with an experienced somatic coach, my goal is to gain deeper insights into effectively supporting female entrepreneurs in achieving sustainable business growth. 

  • Louise Harman, Queen Mary University London

    I would like to attend a course provided by Central Saint Martins: Entrepreneurship For Creatives Short Course. More information on the course is here

  • Jo Briggs, University of Sunderland

    My intention would be to use the bursary towards travel expenses to visit other institutions that embed enterprise and entrepreneurship into the curriculum, enabling me to shadow and work with experienced colleagues in the sector. I’d like to visit other EEUK members for example at Birmingham, Gloucestershire and York, if possible.