Designing and delivering entrepreneurship and enterprise education courses that focus on and engage with early-stage new ventures

10:00 am - 1:00 pm 07/05/2024

Designing and delivering entrepreneurship and enterprise education courses that focus on and engage with early-stage new ventures

Hosted by the Masood Entrepreneurship Centre, University of Manchester

Tuesday 7th May 2024, 10.00am-1.00pm



The workshop will explore entrepreneurship and enterprise education that focuses on new venture launch, management, survival and early growth. This is an area of entrepreneurship and enterprise education that is often over-looked or not given a great deal of attention. EE education often focuses on ideation, business models, pitching and plans or looks at how to scale new ventures. Yet whilst it is relatively easy to launch a business, the biggest challenge is ensuring that venture survives.

In the workshop, we will explore various approaches that focus on and engage with early-stage new ventures. These approaches will be outlined and evaluated by a range of speakers responsible for courses in this area. The types of approaches will include a range of new venture consultancy projects, action-based dissertation research projects and also the use of start-up computer simulations.

As well as speakers outlining their experiences and approaches to developing and delivering courses in this area, there will be opportunities for the audience to reflect on, discuss and share their own experiences.

The overall aim of the session being to try and identify what approaches are currently adopted in this area, what works, what the challenges are for developing and delivering courses in this area, with a key focus on engaging with early-stage new ventures.

Adam Frost (Senior Lecturer in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship), Masood Entrepreneurship Centre, University of Manchester

Ranjit Das (Senior Teaching Fellow), University of Strathclyde

Julie McCandless (Professor in Practice) and Mark Palmer – (Professor in Marketing and Strategic Management), Queen’s University, Belfast

Key benefits for the audience will be:

  • Evaluating the extent to which current entrepreneurship and enterprise education focuses on the early-stages of new ventures
  • Identifying and evaluating different approaches to teaching EE focusing on early-stage new venture
  • Identifying challenges to developing innovating courses that focus on and engage with new ventures and evaluating how to over-come these challenges
  • Identifying and connecting with other EE educators who teach courses in this area

AGENDA (subject to change) 

10:00 – 10:05 – Welcome

10:05 – 10:10 – Introduction to key themes (Adam Frost, University of Manchester)

10:10 -10:40 – Ranjit Das – University of Strathclyde’s approach/examples

10:40 – 11:10 – Adam Frost – University of Manchester approach/examples

11:10 – 11:20 – BREAK

11:20 – 12:00 – Julie McCandless and Mark Palmer – Queen’s University approach/examples

12:00 – 12:30 – Breakout rooms – share own experiences, benefits and challenges of engaging with new and smaller ventures in EE curriculum

12:30 – 12:55 – Q&A – opportunity to ask questions of any of the speakers

12:55 – 13:00 – Closing

Cost to attend

Non-Members £55

Attendee details

Bookings are closed for this event.