How to create effective student enterprise and entrepreneurship programmes: Keep it in-house? Or outsource everything?

11:00 am - 12:00 pm 16/11/2023

How to create effective student enterprise and entrepreneurship programmes: Keep it in-house? Or outsource everything?

Date: Thursday 16th November

Time: 11:00 – 12:00

Format: Zoom

When it comes to delivering events that engage students in enterprise and entrepreneurship, particularly from an extra-curricular perspective, resources can play a major role in deciding whether these are delivered internally or outsourced to external facilitators.

With different team sizes, budgets, and resources available, practitioners have to make the most of what we have available. So, what’s the best approach? And what produces the best outcome for the institution and for their students/graduates?

In this session, we will consider the pros and cons of the different approaches and hear from a range of panellists delivering events in a combination of formats about how and why they take the approach that they do.


Carolyn Keenan, Aston University

Dora Handrea, University of Edinburgh

Emma Bishop, Loughborough University

Want to submit a question in advance? Please send them through to Andy Mew at

This event is exclusively for EEUK Associate Members, so any member of staff at EEUK member organisations. To check if your organisation is a member, please visit here.

We took onboard comments from the previous session and want to make this event more interactive. After we’ve asked some of the questions submitted in advance, we’ll open the floor to people on the call.

Our next Practitioner Perspective event will be an “Ask Me Anything” session on Thursday, 14th December from 11am until 12pm via Zoom. This will be an opportunity to quiz our panel of guest speakers about all things enterprise and entrepreneurship education. Confirmed speakers to date are Mohammed Ali from London South Bank University and Marek Tokarski from Durham University.


The Practitioner Perspective is a series of informal webinars designed to bring practitioners together to discuss the challenges they face, help those seeking new ideas, and hear honest opinions about running enterprise/entrepreneurship activities.

If you have a question, want to be on a panel, or have a subject to recommend, email and and we’ll get in touch.

Attendee details

Bookings are closed for this event.