‘It’s a network thing’.  Enabling and supporting enterprise and entrepreneurship education across Ireland and beyond

10:00 am - 12:00 pm 12/06/2024

On Wednesday 12th June 2024 EEUK will be visiting Trinity College Dublin to meet and network with Irish Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Educators.

The event, which will be attended by EEUK’s President; Dave Bolton, Past President; Dr Emily Beaumont; and board member; Ruth Rowe, intends to showcase EEUK’s work in enabling excellence in enterprise and entrepreneurship education by connecting and supporting enterprise and entrepreneurship educators across the globe.  There will be a networking brunch, followed by an interactive workshop focusing on the skills, behaviours and competencies of the 3E’s (Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Employability).  We will finish with an active discussion on the establishment of a new All-Ireland Regional Sub-committee of EEUK, including the aims and objectives of such a group.  All enterprise and entrepreneurship educators are invited to attend and be part of this exciting development.

Attendance is free but you must sign up to ensure catering requirements are met.

Specific venue detail to follow.

Attendee details

Bookings are closed for this event.