S. Kuznets KhNUE

S. Kuznets KhNUE is the biggest economic education centre in the city of Kharkiv and a leading higher educational institution of Ukraine that trains specialists of all levels in the field of business education.

The strategic aim of the University is to improve the quality of specialists training to a level that will provide the opportunity to take the rightful place in the society and work successfully in their specialty in order to develop the society based on the global knowledge economy

In the University, different career, business and start-ups centres are currently functioning, among them:

– the Center of University Success

– the Laboratory Factory (FabLab)

– the Career Laboratory

– the Centre for Creative Entrepreneurs Development.

Our activities include:

– Meetings, workshops, webinars for the Career Laboratory with industry leaders

– Workshops from business experts and networking events for the residences of the Centre for Creative Entrepreneurs Development

– Create Creative Entrepreneurs Days in business and creative hubs

– Annual international student competition of marketing, PR projects and startups “Golden Compass”

– Coworking space and prototyping laboratory


Olena IARMOSH, Centre for Creative Entrepreneurs Development Coordinator, Associate Professor of International Economic Relations Department


Website: https://www.hneu.edu.ua/en/