Our Team

  • Alison Price

    Head of Policy and Professional Development

    Alison has worked to develop entrepreneurial capacity across the FE and HE sector for over 20 years.  By supporting curriculum change, staff development and the role of the educator as a catalyst within the development of entrepreneurial university, Alison is one of the most experienced staff developers working on enterprise and entrepreneurship in the UK having taught staff across UK, Europe and China.  Alison represents EEUK to explore European and UK policy with particular focus on what policy changes means to those working to create entrepreneurial outcomes in others and how it affects the practice and impact of UK enterprise educators.

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  • Lynn O’Byrne

    Head of Administration

    Lynn is a freelance worker specialising in administration, communications and event and Conference organisation, who started working with the Enterprise Educators UK (EEUK) in 2007. Lynn has over 25 years’ experience working within the Higher Education sector, as well as with a wide selection of private sector clients and associations such as the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education and the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE).

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  • Rob Edwards

    IEEC Conference Director

    Rob has worked with membership groups, academics and businesses for over twenty years, holding senior roles in academic publishing before becoming self-employed in 2014. He advises about marketing, events, business development and board strategy, and has been an Associate Lecturer in creativity and innovation. Before moving into a consultancy role with them in charge of business development and marketing (including the management of the annual ISBE conference), Rob served as a board member of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship for two terms.

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  • Sal Edwards

    Head of Projects

    Sal has many years’ experience in project management, financial administration, and educational and creative workshop facilitation. She has been a freelance entrepreneur for nearly 15 years and is a published playwright and experienced trainer.

    Since 2018, Sal has provided author management services to ISBE, the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, in preparation for their annual conference. She is also responsible for managing the programme of parallel sessions for the event.

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