Chairs of new EEUK Pathway Networks – apply by 31st October

Written by Rob Edwards

EEUK is setting up three new advisory networks focussed on the three professional pathways that EEUK Associates identify with and are recognised by the EEUK Fellowship: Academic, Practitioner and Influencer.

The Academic/Practitioner/Influencer Networks are advisory groups to the EEUK Board but do not hold a formal role in the governance of EEUK. Each Network has the following principal aims:

  1. To provide a forum for individual associate members who identify with a particular professional pathway to meet (online or face to face), to discuss relevant issues and topics associated with their professional pathway;
  2. To advise the EEUK Board of issues and opportunities related to the relevant professional pathway.
  3. To generate ideas and options for consideration by the Board and its Committees with regard to problems and opportunities faced by the relevant professional pathway.
  4. To provide feedback to the Board about EEUK’s products, services and plans for the future from the perspective of the relevant pathway.

For more information about the work of the Networks, please read the Terms of Reference here.

Applications are now being invited from EEUK Associates who wish to put themselves forward to chair any of the three Networks. Please apply via the form on the EEUK website. Closing date: 31st October 2023