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Call for tenders – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Review

March 2024

The organisation and its mission

Enterprise Educators UK is the UK’s national membership organisation for enterprise and entrepreneurship educators in Higher Education (HE), Further Education (FE) and beyond. We were formed in 2000 as UKSEC and in 2007 we underwent a restructure and rebrand, becoming Enterprise Educators UK. The name is frequently abbreviated to EEUK although we also use the full expanded version.

More information about the structure of EEUK, including its committees, can be found here.

Our purpose is to enable excellence in enterprise education connecting and supporting enterprise and entrepreneurship educators across the world. We are ambitious for our membership and inspire them to innovate whilst increasing the scale, scope and effectiveness of their practice and research in order to influence positive change in UK and International Policy. We operate with integrity, acting fairly and professionally, communicating with respect and purpose.

Our 120+ members are mainly UK universities, though we have a growing number of FE Colleges, external organisations and overseas HEIs. The people who benefit from our services are enterprise and entrepreneurship educators and practitioners working within the curriculum and on extra-curricular programmes. Enterprise Education is an interdisciplinary concept and therefore we need to reach people located across a variety of disciplines who could be in academic schools as well as those in a central department such as a careers service.

To accommodate the breadth of the role of an enterprise and entrepreneurship educator, EEUK structures its approach around three enterprise and entrepreneurship educator identities – Academic, Practitioner and Influencer. For the types of jobs that fall into each pathway, please see the diagram here.

We add value for our members through a comprehensive range of services and benefits. These are listed on our website here. A major focus of our work is to enable our members to exchange good practice with each other and to raise awareness of the work that our members do. Much of this is evident on our website but in addition we publish a monthly newsletter via MailChimp (latest edition here). We also have over 8200 followers on Twitter (@EEUK) and a closed LinkedIn group of 775 members.

One important objective is to influence policy on behalf of our members so it is essential that our message reaches policy makers and other organisations close to the policy agenda in addition to our target market for membership.

We are looking for a consultant/group of consultants to conduct an EDI review of our organisation.


Contracting Body

Enterprise Educators UK Ltd

2 Contract Details

2.1 Title

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion review of operational procedures


2.2 Description of the goods or services required

Ensuring that our organisation is inclusive, representative and provides equal opportunities for all has been identified as a key goal, especially as we look to expend our operations on a global stage.

EEUK wishes to commission a review of all current procedures, policies, structures and opportunities to ensure that our organisation is inclusive, that recruitment and application processes are fair and that we are fully inclusive of our current and potential membership.

The review will identify any overt or hidden discrimination or bias which may be currently restricting engagement with our events, activities, opportunities, governance, and structures.

The review will be primarily paper-based, looking at a specified range of ‘touch points’ and providing a written report highlighting areas of poor practice and making recommendations on how processes and procedures can be amended to better serve our associates in an inclusive manner. The review is non-prescriptive but should include consideration of sex, gender, sexuality, race, religion, ethnicity, disability, neurodivergence, location, career progression or role. The review will draw on the expertise of the reviewer in these areas.

The review will make clear and actionable recommendations on changes to be made to the current procedures, policies, structures and opportunities.

This is a second, renewed call for tenders as a successful supplier was not identified during an initial call earlier in 2023.

Touch points to be reviewed

2.2.1 – Application and selection process of directorship of EEUK and progression onto the EXEC including constitutional matters and makeup of the board.

2.1.2 – Application procedure and awards of the Richard Beresford Bursary

2.2.3 – Applications and awards process for Impact Fund

2.2.4 – Application and selection process for IEEC parallel sessions – recruitment/selection of track chairs

2.2.5 – Recruitment and retention of members on governance committees.

2.2.6 – Application and process of gaining fellowship (FEEUK)

2.2.7 – Application and process for hosting Enterprise Exchange Events

2.2.8 – Selection process for IEEC Keynotes

2.2.9 – General communications (Website, newsletter, social media content, newsletter signups)

2.2.10 – Engagement with associate members

2.2.11 – NEEA – selection of judges and selection process

2.2.12 – Access to, and content/delivery of Fast Track

(2.2.13 – Creation of new process to apply for the creation of a new Special Interest Group, including selection of Chair/Vice Chair of new groups)


3 Procurement details

3.1 Process

We will conduct an open process to identify and contract with our preferred contract holder. The contract notice will be published on 11/03/24 on the EEUK website and social media links.

The contract notice will be closed on 12/04/24. The procurement process will be conducted by the Nominations and Representation Committee of EEUK and the successful applicant notified by 01/08/24. Unsuccessful bidders will be notified. Feedback will not generally be provided.

Tenders should be submitted by the form on the website by 11.59pm on the 12/04/2024.

3.2 Criteria

Tenders will be scored on the following areas and the contract will be awarded to the most suitable bidder.

30% – Written proposal providing outline of review methodology, project plan and timelines.*

30% – Expertise and previous experience

30% – Price/Value for Money

10% – Additional value


*Bidders are encouraged to identify areas of priority. Where key priority areas are identified it may be beneficial to identify lots and to provide a breakdown of costs allowing the project to be spread over two or more financial years. A single preferred supplier will be identified for all lots.

If you wish to submit a tender for this work then please submit this form.

The closing date for submissions is 12 April 2024.