Our Honorary Fellows

  • Professor Andy Penaluna

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Professor Andy Penaluna joined the Board in 2008 and was quickly elected to the post of Vice-Chair, followed by Chair – a role that he held until 2011. In 2010 he worked with the Welsh Government and NCEE to bring IEEC2010 to Cardiff from where the influential Concordat emerged.  Andy carried the Concordat with him as a ‘touchstone’ as he went on to Chair the HEA’s Entrepreneurial Learning Special Interest Group, advise NACUE during their early development, advise the UN on entrepreneurial policy development, chair the QAA group that produced the world’s first national quality assurance guidance for enterprise and entrepreneurship education, jointly author the APPG report ‘An Education System Fit for an Entrepreneur‘, advise the EU on educating enterprise educators and act as an expert adviser in a number of other countries around the world. Shortly before leaving the Board, Andy’s massive contribution to the world of enterprise and entrepreneurship education was recognised by SFEDI Group and the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs in the House of Lords, and in 2015 he became a recipient of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion. Andy continues his UK and international enterprise education as Director of the International Institute for Creative Entrepreneurial Development (IICED) at University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

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  • Brian Clements

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Brian Clements joined the board of Enterprise Educators UK in 2008 and his experience of company formation and management was of immediate importance as EEUK set out on the path that would ultimately lead to the organisation’s new status as a company limited by guarantee. Brian became the inaugural Company Secretary and was responsible for all legal matters including the drafting of a new constitution and all dealings with Companies House. For a while Brian also took on the role of Treasurer and he remained on the Board until a new Company Secretary had settled into the role in 2013. The end of Brian’s period on the Board coincided with his retirement from the University of Wolverhampton and he now runs his own educational consultancy, Weston Clements Ltd.

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  • Chris Hall

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Chris Hall joined the board of Enterprise Educators UK in 2006 when the organisation was known as UKSEC. He was elected Vice-Chair in 2007, progressing to Chair in 2008. During his time in office he initiated the moves towards EEUK becoming a company limited by guarantee, built bridges and connections with a number of government departments and supported the initial evolution of NACUE. Once NACUE had launched successfully, Chris’s negotiations with ISBE as well as NACUE laid the foundations for the creation of the Enterprise Alliance that would launch in 2010. Chris also had a major role in the re-organisation of IEEC, enabling EEUK to play a more significant part in this annual conference in partnership with NCEE. After his term as Chair ended, Chris volunteered to become treasurer, a role that he held until his term came to an end in 2013. Chris continues in his role as Business Manager at the Hive, Nottingham Trent University.

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  • Dave Jarman

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Senior Lecturer and Postgraduate Programmes Director at the University of Bristol’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

    Dave Jarman joined the board in 2010 where he was a keen and active contributor for four years. He was voted into office as Vice-Chair in 2011 and progressed to Chair for the 2012/13 academic year. During his term he enthusiastically reached out to a wide range of organisations and formed strong relationships, for example with the RSA, that continue to benefit EEUK and our members. Dave also introduced the concept of ‘Unconference’ to IEEC – leading to lively sessions, expertly facilitated by Dave, enabling delegates to learn from each other in an unconventional manner. While on the board Dave was Head of Enterprise Education at the University of Bristol. He has since been the Head of Enterprise and Employability at Bath Spa University and is currently a Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol’s multi-award-winning Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

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  • Gareth Trainer

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Head of the Centre for Graduate Prospects at the University of Sunderland

    Gareth Trainer, Head of the Centre for Graduate Prospects at the University of Sunderland, was a board director for nine years in total. During his first term (2007-2010) Gareth supported the Board to transition the organisation from its origins to the EEUK we know today and had specific responsibility for the introduction of the National Enterprise Educators Awards. He returned to the Board in 2016 serving as Treasurer for two years, Vice-Chair, then Chair for two years, ending his term in 2022 as Past President. As Chair, he led a significant project to modernise the structure and governance of EEUK, reconfiguring Executive roles and increasing the accessibility, accountability and inclusivity of the organisation by setting up committees of directors and EEUK Associates that continue to support the ongoing development of the organisation.

    On being recognised as an EEUK Honorary Fellow, Gareth said, “It was, and remains, the pleasure of a lifetime to have helped to develop and lead EEUK over the years and I’m so pleased that all the hard work the Board and membership did during my time as Chair seems to be supporting even more and hard work, helping the organisation to go from strength to strength, and long may it continue!…I feel very, very honoured not only to receive this, but to have been involved with, and to have learned from EEUK in the first place!!”

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  • Jon Powell

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Jon Powell joined the board in August 2013 and served for eight years which makes him the longest serving EEUK board member. Jon served as Vice-Chair from 2017 to 2018 then Chair the following year during which time he led an EEUK delegation to China which initiated a collaboration with the Zingy network. During his final two years on the board he continued to strengthen the Chinese collaboration which will form an integral part of the future development of EE Global. Jon’s day job is as Head of Enterprise and Innovation Services at Lancaster University, he is also President of Lancaster and District Chamber of Commerce where he continues to champion entrepreneurship and is leading on the development of St John’s Church in Lancaster with the Churches Conservation Trust into a new enterprise hub and co-working space.

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  • Dr Jonathan Lean

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Associate Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Plymouth

    Dr Jonathan Lean joined the board in 2012 and quickly volunteered to become Company Secretary, a post that he held for three years. Acting as Company Secretary he was diligent in ensuring that EEUK met all the necessary legal requirements of a company limited by guarantee while also advising other board members of their responsibilities. As Company Secretary, Jon was a member of the EEUK Executive where he played an important role advising and supporting the Chair on the overall leadership of the organisation. Jon also led the further development and delivery of the Enterprise Education and Research Project Fund which is a major and highly valued member benefit. This involved chairing the project selection panel and overseeing projects being delivered by EEUK members. Jon is Associate Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Plymouth and continues to work on enterprise education projects in the UK and internationally.

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  • Dr Julie Holland

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Dr Julie Holland joined the board of Enterprise Educators UK in 2006 when the organisation was known as UKSEC. She was elected to the position of Vice-Chair in 2006 and became Chair in 2007 at a point when the newly branded and restructured organisation was starting to establish itself as an independent membership organisation. Julie’s year as Chair was marked by negotiations with government departments and other organisations in the enterprise and entrepreneurship community to raise the profile of EEUK as an important network run by its members for the benefit of its members. Dr Holland’s term on the board ended in 2009 and she is now Director of the Glendonbrook Centre for Enterprise Education at Loughborough University.

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  • Dr Karen Bill

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Dr Karen Bill joined the Board of EEUK in 2013, was elected Vice-Chair in 2014 and went on to lead EEUK as Chair during academic year 2015/16. One of the ways in which Karen made a really big difference was through her work to encourage everyone at EEUK to focus on impact – ensuring that we were not only increasing our impact for the benefit of our members but also measuring that impact. Karen initiated the EEUK impact infographic and her work has created a lasting legacy as the EEUK Board continues to ensure that everything it do has impact for members. During her term as Chair, Karen increased EEUK’s international standing through contribution to a Sino/British Education forum in Tianjin, established regional directors, developed a strategic partnership with Microsoft and raised the profile of enterprise education through work with the HEA and publication of letters in Times Higher Education.

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  • †Kate Beresford

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Kate Beresford originally worked with Enterprise Educators UK from 2006 to 2008 helping to lead the transition from UKSEC to EEUK. She returned in early 2011 to take on a more extensive role of Head of Membership and Operations and Director of IEEC.

    Throughout her time with EEUK, Kate worked closely with the Chairs, President, and wider board to manage all operational activities and to lead on the design and delivery of many key member benefits including Enterprise Exchange events. In her role as Conference Director she led programme development and delivery of 11 International Entrepreneurship Educators Conferences, incorporating delivery of the National Enterprise Educator Awards each year.

    Kate’s proudest achievement is to have driven the membership up from 63 to 115 organisational members since 2011.

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  • Dr Kelly Smith

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Senior Lecturer (Teaching Focussed) in Entrepreneurship at the University of Birmingham

    Dr Kelly Smith was co-opted to the board of Enterprise Educators UK in 2008 to advise on learning and web technologies. In 2009 she was elected Junior Vice-Chair, progressing to senior Vice-Chair before becoming Chair in 2011. Kelly oversaw a major campaign to build membership numbers which rose by over 10% during her period as Chair. She was also influential in establishing EEUK’s position as one of the UK government’s organisations of choice when advice or consultation was required related to enterprise matters. As a member of the QAA enterprise education expert group she made a major contribution to the development of the QAA guidelines on enterprise and entrepreneurship education (2012 and 2018). Dr Smith’s term on the board ended in 2013. She is currently a Senior Lecturer (Teaching Focussed) in Entrepreneurship at the University of Birmingham. She was a founding co-Chair of the joint EEUK and Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Community of Interest for Research in Enterprise Education.

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  • Megan Powell Vreeswijk

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Chief Executive, Marketing Nottingham and Nottinghamshire

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  • Neil Coles

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Neil Coles joined the EEUK Board in August 2017 and was elected to Treasurer the following year, standing down 2021. As Treasurer he went on to oversee several key initiatives, including the creation of a new role, Finance Director. During his term Neil instigated a financial infrastructure project to establish the transparent and streamlined accounting system used by EEUK today. Meticulously managing the accounts through the pandemic, ensuring member benefits and strategic ambitions were still met, Neil has delivered a financially fit organisation for the future. As a member of the executive team, he took responsibility for elements of the new Governance Structures and with fellow Director Lauren Davies, he worked to remodel the National Enterprise Educators Awards, including the ever popular ‘People’s Choice’ category. As an EEUK Associate, Neil represents the University of Bristol, where he currently teaches on work-ready and enterprise units, enhances the student experience at a programme level, and is building a new support structure for high impact ventures based on ‘infrastructure, insight, and investment’ at the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

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  • Dr Philip Clegg

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Associate Director for Enterprise at Oxford Brookes University,

    Dr Philip Clegg, Associate Director for Enterprise at Oxford Brookes University, left the board in 2022, having been a director for six years and serving as Vice President. With Gareth, Phil worked to highlight the agenda of enterprise education in schools, and its direct impact on business and entrepreneurial creation, and was actively involved in the development and piloting of the Fast Track to Enterprise Education programme.

    Phil commented, “It’s a great honour to be awarded EEUK Honorary Fellowship status, and to be asked to join this distinguished group of enterprise education professionals. Of course I am delighted to accept this award, but I have to also say that my contribution to EEUK was both a pleasure and a privilege, and something that greatly aided my own learning and development, so thank you to EEUK for 6 brilliant years”.

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  • † Dr Richard Beresford

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Dr Richard Beresford’s first term on the board was from 2006 to 2009 and during that time he was closely involved with EEUK’s establishment as a company limited by guarantee. In 2014 he was re-elected to the board and in 2015 was appointed Vice-Chair. During Richard’s second term on the Board he took a deep interest in the personal development of enterprise and entrepreneurship educators, working in partnership with SFEDI and the IOEE to develop the National Occupational Standards for Enterprise Educators. After Richard’s sudden and untimely death in May 2016, the Board establish the Richard Beresford Bursary in Richard’s memory and posthumously appointed him a Fellow of EEUK. His Fellowship was presented to his wife, Dr Nicolette Michels, at the IEEC2016 Gala dinner in Liverpool in September 2016.

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  • Professor Sarah Underwood

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Professor of Entrepreneurial Practice and Director of Executive & Professional Education at the University of Leeds

    Sarah Underwood joined the EEUK board in 2013 and took on an executive role as treasurer straight away. She was elected Vice-Chair in 2016 and in 2017/18 took on the leadership of the organisation as Chair. During her year as Chair Sarah launched the new EEUK brand and website, established EEGlobal and led the development of the EEUK Fellowship which is now one of EEUK’s flagship programmes.

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  • † Sheila Quairney

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Sheila Quairney was elected to the board in 2010 and served for six years. She was appointed Vice-Chair in 2013 and Chair in 2014. During her time on the board, and particularly while Vice-Chair and Chair, Sheila took a deep interest in championing EEUK membership for Further Education colleges. She attracted a number of new FE members and laid strong foundations for further expansion into FE. Sheila was also an avid networker, working hard to reach out to make new connections with organisations where there was potential for member benefit. The pinnacle of Sheila’s networking while Chair must have been her visit to Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. Sheila left her post as Head of Enterprise at Sheffield Hallam University in 2016 and until her death in 2023 worked independently in university enterprise education.

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  • Dr Simon Brown

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Dr Simon Brown joined the board of Enterprise Educators UK in 2006 when the organisation was known as UKSEC. He was elected Junior Vice-Chair in 2007, Vice-Chair in 2008 and then became Chair in 2009. His year as Chair was marked by an important transition for EEUK from a relatively informal structure to an independent legal entity. Simon led the discussions with legal advisers and the outcome was that the organisation became a not-for –profit company limited by guarantee. This important milestone laid the foundation stone for EEUK’s growth into a strong and genuinely independent body. Dr Brown’s term on the board ended in 2011 and he now works independently as an enterprise and employability consultant.

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  • Dr Tom Williamson

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Tom Williamson was one of EEUK’s longest serving board members, spending seven years on the board in total including being Vice-Chair in 2012/13 followed by Chair in 2013/14. He was also IEEC conference Chair in Sheffield in 2013. Tom enjoyed working with EEUK members during a period of membership growth as well as with key strategic partners such as the APPG Micro-Business, Start-Up Loans Company, Small Business Charter, UnLTD and ISBE. During his time as Chair Tom had a particular focus on strengthening the strategic direction and sustainability of EEUK so the organisation was well placed to develop future opportunities. Tom also acted as Chair of the judging panel for the National Enterprise Educator Awards and helped to shape and act as an assessor for the Richard Beresford Bursary scheme. Tom is now Assistant Principal, Anglia Ruskin University, Peterborough

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  • Professor Gurpreet Jagpal

    Honorary Fellow of EEUK

    Gups Jagpal joined the EEUK board in 2015 becoming Chair a year later and acting as IEEC conference Chair in Liverpool in 2017. Later that year Gups led an EEUK / British Council delegation to Japan. Representatives from EEUK members participated in this visit which followed an earlier Sino/British Education forum in Tianjin and acted as a key catalyst for EEUK to really begin to internationalise and to start to develop the early concepts for a new international initiative, EEGlobal. Gups also brought to fruition one of the Board’s long term ambitions – to find a suitable Patron to enable EEUK to increase its profile and impact in the policy field. Gups introduced Lord Bilimoria to EEUK and worked with him over several months to persuade him to become EEUK’s inaugural Patron. Gups is now PVC Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of Suffolk.

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