Lessons learnt

Written by Alison Price


If you are delivering enterprise education online and at a distance, then EEUK’s dynamic webpage #EntEdOnline and the library of techniques and case examples that is ETCToolkit might provide the support and inspiration you are looking for to deliver in 2021.  This blog provides pointers to the support EEUK offers together with essential ‘quick links’ to videos, EEUK guidance and the top tips sourced from our membership.

Starting with advice (in “Beyond Blended Learning”) to revisit your original ambitions as outputs/outcomes against the core principles and the underlying frameworks (such as QAA 2018; Entrecomp In Action 2018) EEUK suggested approaching all online delivery with a clear focus on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) to ensure accessibility and provide consistency of approach for all.  This approach was echoed in member practice, which created a blog “Enterprise for All” that highlighted a range of Associate’s  top-tips to create community online, keeping records and using externals online (advice which was expanded in this later blog).  Top tips were also shared by those attending our webinar (watch recording here).

New approaches were also shared that will support you working online.  Our AGCAS and EEUK event webinar video on Entrecomp is available to watch here and resulted in a new guide to the Entrecomp documentation that is available as an overview to all the latest Entrecomp guides.

We also focused on Entrecomp in our #EntEdOnline guidance which showed how ETCToolkit guides, can still inspire your delivery online.  Our guide refocuses on how to build entrepreneurial competences online and gives some ideas for adaptation that might inspire you to look through the 200+ resources within ETCToolkit. The ETCToolkit contains everything from icebreakers through to tips for engaging with alumni, and is currently inviting special “Entrecomp focused” solutions to the work of the enterprise educator (Knowledge exchange, policy and practice) so please share yours with EEUK for the benefit of the sector!

Good luck as you prepare for your 2021 delivery, and don’t forget you can raise questions with EEUK to ensure that you have the support you need, but you might find the question is already on our #EntEdOnline resource hub – so start here!

Alison Price, Head of Policy and Professional Development, EEUK