
EEUK Key messages

EEUK members call upon:

  • The UK Government to provide an enabling policy environment in support of those creating entrepreneurial outcomes in our students.
  • Government and institutional leaders to demonstrate clear and consistent commitment to the enterprise and entrepreneurship agenda in order to ensure members are able to deliver for our students and graduates.
  • Institutional leaders to commit to the creation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem that is structured and resourced for long term success.

EEUK Recommends

“The QAA Guidance”
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) (2018)
“Enterprise and entrepreneurship education”. Guidance for UK higher education providers, The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education: London

Required reading for:
All enterprise educators (academic; influencer; practitioner)

Why is this important?
This UK national guidance has been adopted by EEUK (2018). This report provides guidance for all those working in the sector as enterprise educators and builds upon the first version (2012). It has sections for all areas of enterprise and entrepreneurship and all the definitions you need to ensure you are aligned to UK education
practice; so if you only read one policy document, read this.

Definitions; graduate themes; institutional advice

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Bacigalupo, M., Kampylis, P., Punie, Y., Van den Brande, G. (2016). EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework. Publication Office of the European Union; Luxembourg, EUR 27939

Required reading for:
Educators; Industry and business; Staff Developers; HR; practitioners; Influencers

Why is this important?
Entrecomp seeks to create a common language for enterprise between business and education and usefully includes over 400 learning outcomes for use in curriculum development and assessment rubrics, presented in progression levels. It can be used to map progress, attest competence and track development as well as form the basis for curriculum development.

Competences; framework;

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“The Entrecomp user guide: Entrecomp into Action”
McCallum, Weicht, McMullan and Price (2018) “EntreComp into Action – Get inspired, make it happen: A user guide to the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework” (Editors: Bacigalupo, M and O’Keefe, W)

Required reading for:
All those looking to use Entrecomp: Educators; Industry and business; Staff Developers; HR; practitioners; Influencers

Why is this important?
This is the companion guide to the EntreComp report and seeks to provide examples of how the framework has been used and adapted by educators, influencers, and practitioners. It’s full of ideas to adapt – but don’t print it off, read pages 13-29 and decide which cases you want to read in more detail.

Competence; inspiration; examples;

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Latest Government Report: “The Lord Young report 2014”

Required reading for:
Educators; teachers; schools; HE; FE; those interested in the Small Business Charter Award

Why is this important?
This report focuses upon “relevance for all” and makes the case for enterprise throughout the UK education system. Many EEUK members remain concerned with the focus on Business Schools throughout this review, but this report remains a key reference document in that it calls for educators to “change what they do” (not what they teach) and introduces the Small Business Charter Award (Note: other recommendations, such as the proposed Enterprise Passport were not adopted at a national level).

Government Review; Small Business Charter Award; Enterprise passport

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Current Consultation

EEUK seeks to respond to all national, international and governmental consultations that will affect the work of members, or those working in the sector. The EEUK institutional member contacts will receive email requests for help and are invited to respond through survey or by email. In addition, EEUK welcomes additional comment from all members when consultations are open (see below).

Currently consulting upon:

No current consultations.

Most recent EEUK responses:

Following a call from the All-Party Parliamentary Group EEUK canvassed members (yielding over 40 supporting documents/evidence) and also responded with a statement addressing APPG questions. The APPG report on Enterprise Education can be found on our publications page.

2018: KEF
Responding to the consultation on the proposed Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) EEUK members welcomed KEF as an opportunity and made specific calls to support members in their work in a detailed response.

For more information or for media inquiries, contact   alison@enterprise.ac.uk

Policy Updates

  • Ideas and Opportunities

    Post Election, EEUK is looks forward to hearing the details behind the manifesto promises. With many looking for a new…

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  • Policy not Politics

    With a general election underway, we want to focus on policy, rather than politics but working at the intersection of…

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  • Stand up

    Once again, those working across enterprise agenda are being asked “stand up” to make the case for its contribution to…

    Read More

Quick help

Help I am looking for support with:

(Re) validation
Page 13 of QAA (2018) Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Guidance

Working with external stakeholders
Looking for examples, visit ETCtoolkit or look in Part C of Entrecomp into Action

Addressing a senior management team
Pick up QAA (2018) or use pages 2-3 as background/evidence and 7 for definitions.

Engaging other departments
Look for cross-curricular examples in ETCToolkit and use the new diagram of Entrecomp to engage them.


Enter “alumni” into EEUK’s ETCToolkit, search function (top right) for some genuine case examples, or look at Entrecomp into Action for more inspiration.

Examples of teaching practice
Over 200 examples and case studies can be found in ETCToolkit Consult the Entrecomp into Action User Guide for examples of practice in education.

Turn to page p14 of QAA (2018) for guidance and ensure alignment to your learning outcomes (Entrecomp Framework Appendix).


EEUK has adopted the QAA (2018) “Enterprise and Entrepreneurship” Guidance and recognises the definitions and terminology outlined within this UK national guidance above all others. However, the complexity of the environment in which enterprise educators work means that EEUK also recognise the following terms:

Institution owned knowledge exchange activities with spill over outcomes that relate to local growth and regeneration. By this we mean the generic KE activities that an institution is undertaking to meet its wider strategic goals, but as a consequence of these activities, local growth and regeneration outputs and outcomes are also achieved.
And Specific knowledge exchange activities that are targeted to make a difference locally. By this we mean targeted KE activity where higher education institutions, businesses, public sector and the wider civil society work together to achieve a strategic goal with a prime focus on local growth or regeneration in a self-defined local area. This may include local economic development, social inclusion, public space or infrastructure improvements and reconversion of brownfield area.

The framework is intended to increase efficiency and effectiveness in use of public funding for knowledge exchange (KE), to further a culture of continuous improvement in university KE by providing a package of support to keep English university knowledge exchange operating at world class standard.

Public engagement describes the myriad of ways in which the activity and benefits of higher education and research can be shared with the public [and communities]. Engagement is by definition a two-way process, involving interaction and listening, with the goal of generating mutual benefit.” National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement.

Whilst this visa process is currently under review, those students or graduates who want to set up or run a business in the UK from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland can apply for a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) visa, if other eligibility requirements are met (HEI quota).

A full list of recent publications can be found here


For more information, help or advice: contact
