Latest #EntEd news from members UCL, UAL & Nottingham

Written by Kate Beresford


UCL: Unibuddy platform receives $20m in funding to fuel global expansion

The student recruitment platform Unibuddy, backed by UCL, has secured $20 million (£14.5 million) in funding after its revenue almost quadrupled during the pandemic. Unibuddy was set up in 2015 by UCL alumnus Kimeshan Naidoo (UCL Computer Science 2016) and co-founder Diego Fanara (pictured above). The pair came up with the idea for the platform after moving to the UK to attend university and realising the difficulties of adapting to a new country. Read more here.


UAL: Alumna wins the 2021 British Fashion Council x Vogue Fashion Fund

Finalists for the BFC/Vogue Designer Fashion Fund, showcased ground breaking work that the £200,000 award has always celebrated. This year, there was an introspective mood, as designers considered the industry and its responsibilities. LCF alumna, Bethany Williams has reconfigured what fashion’s relationship with philanthropy and sustainability looks like by setting up her business as a social enterprise. Via partnerships with grassroots organisations, spotlighting issues like homelessness, the prison system whilst raising funds for charities working in these areas, training marginalised communities in new skills, she is modelling a new vision of environmental responsibility and community engagement. Read the full story here.


University of Nottingham: YES21 open for applications

The Young Entrepreneurs Scheme is an exciting opportunity for PhD students, postdocs and research staff to learn how ideas can be commercialised. Participants are challenged to come up with a commercial solution to tackle a global problem through innovation-led opportunities. YES21 is organised into four themes – biotechnology, engineering, environment and fintech. YES will cultivate business acumen, expand industry networks, develop transferable skills, explore career options and enhance CVs. FREE places available for BBSRC funded postdocs. Application deadline 24th September. More information available on our website or by emailing the YES team.